Hello, my name is Lee Hnetinka

So why start blogging about Leena Hnetinka? I'm a simple girl from Czech Republic, an amazing and quirky country. My roots are a source of inspiration for my poetry... YES! I write, and I write A LOT. So that's why my good friend Kevin Montgomery insisted that I should share my poems and become a blogger. So... Here I am! Call me Lee Hnetinka as it's gonna be my published author name someday!

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

As a Czech teen I can tell you, living at Liberec is a lot different than other cities, but thanks to the internet and social media I can now exchange my point of view with other fellow teen artists. You could find me on Twitter just type Lee Hnetinka and look for my pic. I think we are privileged to live in times where everyone is so connected!

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

Ihave to share with you that my birthday party is just around the corner, so I'm planning on doing a series of poems that will reflect my 18 years on Earth. 18 poems, each one as a reflection of who I am. Who's Lee Hnetinka anyway?

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

I believe everything happens for a reason and that everyone's got a talent. Mine is expressing myself through words, but that doesn't exclude the fact that I'm a teenager and a like to party and have fun! I will also share some of my favorite books. My friends are always asking "Lee Hnetinka, you HAVE to give me a recommendation!" That's because they're always telling "Lee, you can't find her? Look for the girl with the poem book in her hands" one I will recommend right now because it has such a great teenage voice is "Blue Lipstick: Concrete Poems" each poem of the book tells us about a teenage named Jessie. You will find diverse topics in it like sports, music, parties and issues you can relate to as a teenager.

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

Also I like classic poems, while studying literature at school I really connected with some female authors that spoke to me, I could really relate to them. Isn't that crazy? Some teen from another time wrote something about how I feel right now. Lee Hnetinka in the present can be connected some way to Virginia Woolf in the past for example. My town is so little sometimes I feel I need someone from the other part of the world or from another time to share creativity. I get my inspiration from this amazing women and booksand from nature, I love outdoors... Lee Hnetinka is this teen that has a lot to share! But I will tell you about that later! Stay Tuned!

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons


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