Hello, my name is Lee Hnetinka
So why start blogging about Leena Hnetinka? I'm a simple girl from Czech Republic, an amazing and quirky country. My roots are a source of inspiration for my poetry... YES! I write, and I write A LOT. So that's why my good friend Kevin Montgomery insisted that I should share my poems and become a blogger. So... Here I am! Call me Lee Hnetinka as it's gonna be my published author name someday!
Ihave to share with you that my birthday party is just around the corner, so I'm planning on doing a series of poems that will reflect my 18 years on Earth. 18 poems, each one as a reflection of who I am. Who's Lee Hnetinka anyway?
Also I like classic poems, while studying literature at school I really connected with some female authors that spoke to me, I could really relate to them. Isn't that crazy? Some teen from another time wrote something about how I feel right now. Lee Hnetinka in the present can be connected some way to Virginia Woolf in the past for example. My town is so little sometimes I feel I need someone from the other part of the world or from another time to share creativity. I get my inspiration from this amazing women and booksand from nature, I love outdoors... Lee Hnetinka is this teen that has a lot to share! But I will tell you about that later! Stay Tuned!
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